SAC Membership Interest Form _ 2023-2024

SAC Member Interest Form 

The Student Activities Council is the premier event planning organization at Wichita State. Our members plan, market, and execute programs that enhance the Shocker Experience!!!

Members who take an active role in our planning committees will grow as a student leader, learn career readiness skills, have fun, and make lifelong friends.

Committee Meeting times will be released in August and individuals who complete the form will be emailed of the times. If you are unable to make the time of the committee you are interested in we encourage you to join a different committee that meets your schedule.

Requirements for Membership
  • Fill out this member interest form
  • Attend 2 committee meetings
  • Volunteering at 1 SAC event
  • Participating in 1 marketing activity (postering, info table, etc.)
  • And once the above are completed, filling out a Member Agreement Form
How did you learn about SAC?
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SAC Committees

The Student Activities Council committee members plan, promote, and implement SAC events. Members of SAC committees gain career readiness skills, build meaningful relationships, and have fun!

Committees members are expected to attend weekly meetings, volunteer at events, participate in marketing initiatives, and be a positive representation of SAC.

Monthly socials are held for all members of SAC to meet and get to know each other. 

FAQ's when selecting a committee
  • Can I commit?
    SAC relies on its members to host amazing campus experiences and we want you to want to be there.
  • I want to join _____ committee but I can't attend the meeting, what do I do?
    We always want people to select the committee that aligns with their interests and when that isn't possible we encourage you to select the one that best fits your schedule. You can always volunteer to work another committees events.
  • None of these times work for me, how can I still help? 
    If you are unable to join one of the committees listed below, complete our volunteer interest form. You will be added to our GroupMe and volunteer signup portal. Feel free to volunteer when you are available.
Please select the committee you are most interested in at this time. We will notify you when committee meeting times become available in August.